Medicare has been the single largest payor for most of the ambulance billing services. Being one of the complex domains, an ambulance billing services has many challenges like:
- Short "timely filing" periods
- Retroactive eligibility,
- Unaware of ambulance billing process
- Ever changing billing rules and regulation
- Improper coding and modifiers being applied
- Expensive billers and coders etc
In an ambulance billing services understanding of the complete billing process and the codes is very necessary for the providers as everything is dependent on coding, which is done mainly on the basis of the Patient Care Report filed by the ambulance crew along with the additional backing of the "run sheets" as filled in at the time the patient is picked up. Without proper billing and coding knowledge not only the billing process will encounter errors causing rejection of claims but will also lack the accurate documentation in the Patient Care Report (PCR) ; which is the utmost importance, especially for compliance and thereby proper claims. However, with Sunknowledge services approach you can not only end all your ambulance billing problems but also ensures a seamless billing management with a faster ROI with Sunknowledge expert’s help.
Sunknowledge Services: the perfect destination for ambulance billing in 2021:
Taking care of all your pre and post ambulance billing responsibilities starting from data entry, eligilibity verification, to claims management and accounts receivable management, our experts with proper checks and follow-up, we ensure a 99.9 % accuracy rate in both the billing and coding process which no other RCM offers.
Providing a complete operational transparency and customized reporting according to the client’s protocol for daily, weekly or even monthly; our RCM organization further ensures proper attention is given to every size or source. With a liability insurance coverage of $ 1 / 3 million from Geico / Hiscox for any errors of Omission and Commissions and a no binding contract; we further help our clients with the highest collection rate while reducing their operational cost by 80 %. In fact, today being one of the leading RCM organization, we take pride in being listed as one of the cost effective billing solution with a 100s clientele list and excellent industry references.
So if you are looking to enhance your ambulance billing services in 2021, we are the perfect destination within your reach.