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What Makes Sunknowledge The Perfect Infusion Prior Authorization Destination

Infusion Prior Authorization

· Infusion Prior Auth
Infusion prior authorization

In this competitive edge with payers continuously expanding the list of procedures for which pre-authorizations are required is not only making the process of prior authorization complicated but also leading to overdue. This is why an expert is always required who not only has the complete prior authorization knowledge but is also aware of the present billing changes, its regulations and changing codes.

Sunknowledge Services an expert infusion prior authorization solution:

Working with both payers and providers, Sunknowledge Services Inc today is one of the leading authorization solutions for HME, DME, orthotics and prosthetics, CPAP, Infusion prior authorization and also for 28 other specialties. With proprietary technologies, our experts not only deliver exceptional workflow and business processes to meet the prior authorization submission on time but further help in enhancing the operational process to meet operational capabilities. 

 Taking care of the data to 100% authorization submission on the same day, our experts for infusion prior authorization additional increase the authorization rate by 1.5-2x. Working for more than 12 years further made us proficient in increasing the authorization process efficiency. Reducing both the operational cost by 80% and headaches of the complex infusion prior authorization for both providers and patients, we further secure 99 percent of the prior authorization approval rate. Ensuring 3 prior auth in an hour, we are the only RCM solution that covers around 24 prior authorization in a day at a service charge of $7 per hour or starting from 2% of the collection which no other RCM provides.

Partnering with us further helps you with:

  • Rapid claim status analysis in denial management
  • Customized reporting according to the client's protocol
  • Turnaround time less than 48 hours max.

Improving your complete infusion prior authorization, Sunknowledge Services Inc today is on the top operational extension offering exceptional billing services to many leading names in the industry. 

So, if you are thinking to choose us to improve your authorization problems, call us so that our experts can provide you with a customized authorization solution that helps you meet all your authorization gaps faster along with better ROI.